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Products for Caregivers of the Elderly

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Hospital Bedding
•Hospital Bed Sheets
•Bariatric Bed Sheets
•Waterproof Bed Pads
•Slide Sheets
•Vinyl Mattress Covers
•Vinyl Pillow Covers

BedRail & Padding
•Bed Rails for Adults
•BedRail Bumper Pads
•BedRail Accessory

Pressure Prevention
•Foot Pillows
•Sleep Positioners
•Mattress Overlays
•Blanket Lifts

Bed Accessories
•Overbed Tables
•Bed Alarms
•Privacy Screens
•Bedside Lighting
•Large Display Clocks

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Shop Hospital Bed Accessories

There are several useful bedside accessories you can purchase for your hospital bed or home care bed. When someone is required to spend much of their time, if not all of their time, confined to a bed; having a bedside table (overbed table) will be a one of the first items you will want to get to allow for comfortable eating, writing, playing cards, arts & crafts, or simply to store items on that can be easily moved around. These Hospital Overbed Tables include wheels (castors) for easy maneuverability.

Another helpful item for caregivers is a bed alarm for the elderly or those with Dementia. Individuals prone to falls or getting up in the middle of the night, can be challenging to keep track of for Caregivers. Sensor Pad Alarms are a great solution to this problem. These sensor pads can be placed on the bed to alert you when the patient is attempting to get out of bed, on the chair to let you know when they trying to stand, or as a weight sensing floor mat to alert you when they are leaving the room.

You can also shop our large LED display digital clocks and alarm clocks for those with low vision or hearing loss that can be placed bedside. Dementia clocks are also available that include recordable reminders and day of the week (day and date) information. Portable Privacy Screens help provide additional patient dignity when privacy is needed, depending on where the bed is located. There are also lamp accessories, such as touch lamp converters, dusk to dawn controls, and big lamp switch replacements for those with arthritis, low vision, or immobility.

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