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Pressure Ulcer Prevention Devices

Items for Treating and Avoiding Pressure Sores

Pressure ulcers (also referred to as bed sores) are wounds caused by poor circulation. When an area of the body remains in one position and there is pressure on that area, circulation may be cut off or severely reduced to both the skin and underlying muscle tissue(s). This causes the skin to first become red and irritated (may feel tender and warm too), followed by a "blood blister" which may start to drain pus and finally an open wound with muscle tissue damage and possibly even bone damage if deep enough.
Many factors can contribute to the chances of developing a pressure sore. Thinner skin, incontinence and immobility (all 3 of which are more common in the elderly) also raise one's chances for developing pressure ulcers. People with a bed sores may not perceive any pain normally associated with such a wound because the wound can damage nerves. An inspection of the skin should be made periodically to identify and tend to any pressure sores as early as possible.

The remedies for pressure sores vary from simply using pressure prevention cushions, eating healthier, and applying barrier creams to receiving full wound care treatments from a medical professional. There are various pressure prevention products available to help treat and prevent pressure ulcers by alleviating any focused pressure on one area for too long of a time.

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