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Shop Overbed Tables and Hospital Bed Tables

These quality overbed tables, also known as hospital bed tables, provide a convenient portable eating surface for bed-bound users. They are also great for writing, reading, card games or other crafts. The bedside tables include wheels (castors) that allow the hospital overbed table to easily move out of the way when not in use, so it does not interfere when sleeping or during other times when it's not needed.

Over Bed Tables typically include an "H" Base design, which simply means the metal base at the bottom of the table is in the shape of an "H". However, hospital overbed tables are also available with a U-shape base (sometimes referred to as C-Base) that will also accommodate most room seating by leaving room for your feet while in a chair or wheelchair.

Almost all hospital tables are adjustable in height to accommodate the user's requirements. Most include a spring-loaded height adjustment mechanism, which allows the table to be easily raised with only fingertip pressure and lock securely into place when the adjustment handle is released. Some bed tables tilt, which is convenient for users that may be reading in bed.

It's important to note that many of the overbed tables are heavier shipping items (30-50 lbs) and require tools for assembly. If you are purchasing a table for an elderly user that does not have access to someone handy to help them put it together, you may want to consider buying a table that is either fully or mostly assembled. You should also consider the flooring where the rolling table is being used. If you have thick, plush carpeting, the wheels may not move as freely on this type of surface, especially if heavier weight is placed on the tray.

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