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Products for Caregivers of the Elderly

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Hospital Bedding
•Hospital Bed Sheets
•Bariatric Bed Sheets
•Waterproof Bed Pads
•Slide Sheets
•Vinyl Mattress Covers
•Vinyl Pillow Covers

BedRail & Padding
•Bed Rails for Adults
•BedRail Bumper Pads
•BedRail Accessory

Pressure Prevention
•Foot Pillows
•Sleep Positioners
•Mattress Overlays
•Blanket Lifts

Bed Accessories
•Overbed Tables
•Bed Alarms
•Privacy Screens
•Bedside Lighting
•Large Display Clocks

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Mattress Overlays and Alternating Pressure Mattresses

Elder Depot carries a variety of mattress overlays to assist with healing and/or preventing pressure sores. Mattress overlays are products designed to go on top of your current mattress. The exact type of overlay varies from regular foam cushion to special memory foams or gels to help make the entire bed more pliable. This helps to alleviate "hard spots" where the pressure of a mattress directly against the skin can become large enough to cause bed sores, especially on areas where skin is close to bone (such as heels, tail bone and shoulder blades).

We also sell alternating pressure mattresses for anyone who needs a more sophisticated product to assist with pressure prevention. Alternating pressure mattresses are designed to "rotate" through the mattress with a grid-like pattern, making some sections taller, bigger or harder than others over time. By rotating through this pattern, no one area of the body is in a constant position of high pressure.

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