Thank you for your interest in the
 Affiliate Program.
Who We Are
Founded in 2002, Elder Depot has been dedicated to providing innovative and helpful products to improve the life of seniors and equip caregivers with product solutions for over 20 years. We are one of the premier online elder care product superstores on the internet, dedicated to serving customers with quality products in a timely manner.
How it Works
As a member of the Elder Depot Affiliate Program, you will earn commission on all orders that originate from your web site. Once a customer is referred to us from your site, we fulfill their order, ship the product, and handle all customer inquiries. It’s simple, hassle-free, and there’s no limit on what you can earn.
Elder Depot Affiliate Benefits
Free to join
No commitment necessary
Over 1,000 products in several categories
Earn up to 8% commission
Trusted Name: Providing elder care products online for over 20 years
Create your own banners (approval required), choose from selected banners, or request banner ad assistance
Getting Started
To ensure you receive the best affiliate service, we have teamed up with Share-a-Sale to provide you with trusted third party tracking, real-time reporting, and monthly commission checks. The service is free to join and you can begin the same day your application is accepted. Complete the online application form Here. Your application will be reviewed, including your web site (required). We reserve the right to reject applications or expire affiliate for any reason.
Important Affiliate Notices:
Please note that we currently only ship within the U.S. and will only consider international affiliates whose web sites generate the majority of their web site traffic within the U.S. Since we do not offer coupons currently, we are not partnering with any coupon sites at this time. Elder Depot is a federally registered trademark and we do not allow trademark bidding.