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Vision & Hearing:

Phones for Seniors
•Corded Phones
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•Emergency Phones
•Voice Amplifiers

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Voice Amplified Phones and Speech Amplifiers

Are you having trouble hearing an elderly relative or friend over the phone? Sometimes speech becomes lower as we age for a variety of reasons. A great solution for this is voice amplified phones that increase the outgoing voice of the user. Most of these phones include incoming voice amplification, as well as about 15dB of outgoing voice amplification so the user can be heard better.

In addition to the speech amplified phones, there are also personal voice amplifiers, that can be worn by the user to increase their voice during face to face conversations or in any type of conversational environment. These speech amplifiers are especially helpful in noisy environments, such as restaurants or crowded gatherings. The speaker can be worn around the waist and is connected to a speakerphone headset, which will enhance the sound of speech by about 15 decibels.

Fast & Free Shipping on Voice Amplified Phones

In most cases, your device should be delivered to your door in 2 to 3 business days. Voice Amplifiers ship on the same business day (if ordered by 2:00pm EST).
Orders placed after 2pm EST ship the following business day. Business days are Monday to Friday (excluding holidays).

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