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Products for Caregivers of the Elderly

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Vision & Hearing:

Phones for Seniors
•Corded Phones
•Cordless Phones
•Photo Dial Phones
•Emergency Phones
•Voice Amplifiers

Low Vision Aids
•Big Buttton Remotes
•Reading Magnifiers
•Lamp Accessories
•Digital Clocks
•Keyboard Aids
•Vision & Eyewear
•Reminder Watches

Hearing Helpers
•TV Hearing Devices
•Personal Listening
•Phone Amplifiers
•Ear Care

Senior Activities
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TV Hearing Devices

TV Hearing Devices allow senior and those with hearing loss to hear the TV at a higher volume without disturbing others. Television sound amplification devices allow those with hearing impairment to increase the volume on their favorite shows without forcing the whole house (and possibly the neighbors) to hear every word too! Models include stereo headphones that transmit TV audio directly to a pair of headphones worn by the listener. Only the person wearing those headphones will hear the TV (normal TV speaker volume would still be available if desired). Other models use remote speaker systems, where the TV audio is still transmitted to the listener but is played through an external speaker rather than headphones. Many of the TV Listening Devices are hearing aid compatible as well.
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