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Products for Caregivers of the Elderly

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Vision & Hearing:

Phones for Seniors
•Corded Phones
•Cordless Phones
•Photo Dial Phones
•Emergency Phones
•Voice Amplifiers

Low Vision Aids
•Big Buttton Remotes
•Reading Magnifiers
•Lamp Accessories
•Digital Clocks
•Keyboard Aids
•Vision & Eyewear
•Reminder Watches

Hearing Helpers
•TV Hearing Devices
•Personal Listening
•Phone Amplifiers
•Ear Care

Senior Activities
•Games & Puzzles
•Large Print Cards
•Card Game Extras

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Games and Jigsaw Puzzles for Seniors and those with Dementia or Alzheimers

It's always a joy to complete a challenging yet visually eye appealing jigsaw puzzle. Allow the seniors in your life an opportunity to enjoy piecing together one of these stunningly beautiful puzzles; providing them with a rewarding sense of accomplishment! We have a wide variety of colorful puzzle designs and varying levels of difficulty. Our 36 piece puzzles are simple, with large pieces, to accommodate elderly loved ones with Dementia, Alzheimer's or more severe dexterity issues. We also carry a line of Family jigsaw puzzles with up to 400 pieces of different sizes (so everyone can work together) as a great activity that the whole family can enjoy.

Another favorite for seniors is the popular game of PoKeno, which combines the suspense of keno with the thrill of poker! If a puzzle doesn't seem like the right fit, perhaps a game is the better option to help keep aging loved ones entertained. Pokeno can be played with up to 12 players and the Pokeno Too game increases that amount up to 24 players.
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