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Large Display Alarm Clock for Hearing Impaired Seniors and Elderly

These digital alarm clocks are great for seniors and the elderly, as they include a large LED display for low vision and an extra loud alarm, with optional bed shaker, for heavy sleepers or the hearing impaired. Another benefit is that once most of the alarm clocks are set up, they don't need to be updated - provided the backup batteries are installed in the event it gets unplugged or a power outage. We carry a large collection for sale, including the Sonic Boom Alarm Clock.

We also offer Dementia Clocks for seniors and the elderly who may be suffering from Alzheimer's or Dementia. These Alzheimers clocks are designed for memory loss and include the Reminder Rosie, that allows you to record reminders that will play at a certain time, such as a reminder to take medications. There is also a large display digital clock with day and date for seniors who have a tendency to get confused with the day of the week or time of the year.

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