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Products for Caregivers of the Elderly

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Bathroom Safety
•Shower Chairs
•Tub Transfer Benches
•Grab Bars
•Support Rails
•Tub Rails
•Tub & Shower Safety

Washing Bath Aids
•Shampoo Trays
•Shower Sprays
•Cast Covers
•No Rinse Bathing
•Washing & Hygiene
•Cleaning Supplies

Toilet Aids
•Raised Toilet Seats (Standard)
•Raised Toilet Seats (Elongated)
•Toilet Safety Rails
•Bedside Commodes
•Urinals & Bedpans

Medicine Cabinet
•Fever Thermometers
•Oral Care & Swabs
•Ear, Nose & Throat
•Vision Care
•Pill Organizers
•Pill Cutters & Crushers
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Hair Washing Trays and Shampoo Basins

Keeping hair clean is an important part of hygiene and is typically a more difficult task than with body cleansing. Luckily, there are some handy hair washing aids that can help you with this.

Hair Washing Trays

These handy hair washing trays allow you to wash hair easily at a sink without having to worry about the water spilling over to the floor. The person can be seated or in a wheelchair with their back facing the sink. The seat will need to be at the appropriate height level so that the tray can be tilted on a downward angle for water to go into the sink basin. These shampoo trays make hair washing at the sink a breeze!

Shampoo Basins

When someone is fully disabled or handicapped and confined to a bed, washing hair can be a challenging task. While we do carry a full line of no rinse shampoo caps, sometimes you may just prefer a real hair washing to get the fullest clean feeling. Great news! Our Hair Shampoo Basins allow the caregiver to provide a true hair washing experience with water while laying in the bed. These hair wash basins contain the water while the user lays comfortably resting with their head in the inflatable shampoo basin. Once finished, you simply empty the basin and you're all done.
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