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Products for Caregivers of the Elderly

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Bathroom Safety
•Shower Chairs
•Tub Transfer Benches
•Grab Bars
•Support Rails
•Tub Rails
•Tub & Shower Safety

Washing Bath Aids
•Shampoo Trays
•Shower Sprays
•Cast Covers
•No Rinse Bathing
•Washing & Hygiene
•Cleaning Supplies

Toilet Aids
•Raised Toilet Seats (Standard)
•Raised Toilet Seats (Elongated)
•Toilet Safety Rails
•Bedside Commodes
•Urinals & Bedpans

Medicine Cabinet
•Fever Thermometers
•Oral Care & Swabs
•Ear, Nose & Throat
•Vision Care
•Pill Organizers
•Pill Cutters & Crushers
•Anti-Fungal Treatment

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Bathroom Safety for Seniors and the Elderly

Handicap Bathroom Accessories to make Your Bathroom Safe

Many injuries for seniors occur in the bathroom, which is not surprising, given the mix of water with slippery surfaces. We have put together a list of helpful products that will make the bathroom safer and help prevent falls and injuries before they happen.

It very important that you provide the essential bathroom safety products to make the bathing experience as safe and comfortable as possible. This is not just limited to the shower or bathtub for elderly, but it also includes the toilet area. Explore the many solutions we offer for handicap bathroom accessories. You will find a large variety of styles and options to choose from: Bath chairs, shower transfer benches, grab bars and hand rails, raised toilet seats, toilet arm handles, and more. The items below can all be used in your current bathroom and do not require any bathroom remodeling. These innovative product choices will allow you to design the bathroom that best fits your safety needs.

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