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Toilet Risers and Elevated Toilet Seats for Elongated Toilets

Toilet risers help the elderly and disabled stand up and sit down more easily and comfortably. This is especially important if you have difficulty with mobility, such as arthritis in your knees or other leg impairments. These Elevated Toilet Seats install on your existing toilet bowl and add anywhere from 2" up to 6" in height, making sitting and standing much easier. Since the standard height of a toilet is usually only about 15" (with some ADA models now available at 17"), this extra height can be very helpful.

Choosing Your Toilet Riser

There are a couple of considerations before purchasing a raised toilet seat. You will first want to make sure of which size toilet you have. This is the first consideration, because if the toilet seat doesn't fit, you can't use it! Toilets in the U.S. are typically found in 2 sizes, Standard (Round) or Elongated (Oval). To determine your toilet size, measure from the center of the seat bolt holes in the back of the toilet to the outside front of the bowl. The measurement of a Standard size toilet is generally around 16-1/2" Long. An Elongated (oval) Toilet is approximately 18-1/2" Long. Since the height of the riser is dependent on the specific user requirements, toilet risers come in heights ranging from 2" to 6". The average user typically benefits from a 3" to 4" riser on average. Your goal is to raise the seat, but the user's feet remain flat on the floor for safety. The feet should not be dangling while seated.

Installing Your Elevated Toilet Seat

Most elevated toilet seats are constructed of a durable plastic material and are offered in a variety of different options for installation. If you are looking for a toilet seat that can be put on and taken off frequently for a shared bathroom or travel, some models simply slip on or include a plastic screw that holds the seat in the front of the toilet. For more permanent installation, many of the models include extra long bolts, so the toilet seat can be bolted in the back in the same manner as a regular toilet seat.

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