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Products for Caregivers of the Elderly

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Ambulatory Items
•Rolling Walkers
•Rollators (4-Wheels)
•Rollators (3-Wheels)
•Walker Accessories
•Cane Accessories

•Transport Wheelchair
•Manual Wheelchairs
•Shower Wheelchairs
•Wheelchair Trays
•Wheelchair Ramps
•Chair Accessories

Pressure Relief
•Wheelchair Cushions
•Overlays for Mattress
•Heel Pillows
•Blanket Lifters
•Body Positioners

Transfer Devices
•Seat Lift Cushions
•Transfer & Gait Belts
•Transfer Boards
•Car & Transfer Aids

Fall Prevention
•Safety Bed Rails
•Bed & Chair Alarms
•Hip Protection
•Fall Mats & Cushions
•Bed Rail Accessories

Household Aids
•Reachers & Grabbers
•Cooking Aids
•Writing & Reading
•General Arthritis

Personal Care
•Dressing Aids
•Grooming Aids
•Cast Protectors
•Weight Scales

Powered Mobility
•Power Wheelchairs
•Scooter Ramps
•Scooter Accessories

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Power Wheelchairs for Seniors and the Elderly

Power Chairs and Electric Wheelchairs allow wheelchair users to remain independent when going about their day. This is a great option for disabled seniors and the elderly who simply need to have the ability to operate the controls of their power wheelchair to easily get around the home or while on the go. There are several different models of electric wheelchairs to choose from.

Choosing Your Power Wheelchair

  • Wheel Location: Each power chair includes a set of driving wheels that provides the power to move the chair, in addition to the smaller rolling castor wheels. The larger drive wheels can be located in the front, back, or middle of the chair. Mid-wheel drive chairs typically have the highest maneuverability and turning radius (between 20 and 30 inches), however, they may not have as much speed as rear-wheel drive chairs that generally require a larger turning radius(40 inches or more). Front wheel drive power chairs are the best for uneven terrain and usually have a 20 to 30 inch turning radius, but are also the slowest.
  • Consider your terrain: Electric Wheelchairs need enough power to navigate steep hills and batteries will only last a certain distance before recharging is needed. This is based on several factors, including the weight of the user, extreme cold, battery age, and terrain being traveled. Make sure the power chair you purchase is sufficient to accommodate your daily routine. Size and Turning radius are also important to ensure your chair can fit through all doorways and any narrow hallways in your home.
  • Features and Controls: Some power wheelchairs are more adjustable than others, allowing you to raise, tilt and recline the seat. Seat size is important to make sure the user is able to fit and sit comfortably in the captain's chair while reaching the controls. Various models have different controls, so you want to ensure the controls will be easy to understand and use.
  • Power Wheelchair Size & Transport: When measuring for size, be sure to include the footrests when determining your turning radius to ensure the chair is appropriate for your home layout. Standard and Heavy Duty Bariatric power chairs may require a vehicle lift or wheelchair ramp to be transported. There are also travel power chairs that can be disassembled and reassembled for easy transport in a vehicle. Wheelchair Ramps are also available for quick installation around the home or for vehicle loading into vans or SUVs.

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