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Products for Caregivers of the Elderly

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Ambulatory Items
•Rolling Walkers
•Rollators (4-Wheels)
•Rollators (3-Wheels)
•Walker Accessories
•Cane Accessories

•Transport Wheelchair
•Manual Wheelchairs
•Shower Wheelchairs
•Wheelchair Trays
•Wheelchair Ramps
•Chair Accessories

Pressure Relief
•Wheelchair Cushions
•Overlays for Mattress
•Heel Pillows
•Blanket Lifters
•Body Positioners

Transfer Devices
•Seat Lift Cushions
•Transfer & Gait Belts
•Transfer Boards
•Car & Transfer Aids

Fall Prevention
•Safety Bed Rails
•Bed & Chair Alarms
•Hip Protection
•Fall Mats & Cushions
•Bed Rail Accessories

Household Aids
•Reachers & Grabbers
•Cooking Aids
•Writing & Reading
•General Arthritis

Personal Care
•Dressing Aids
•Grooming Aids
•Cast Protectors
•Weight Scales

Powered Mobility
•Power Wheelchairs
•Scooter Ramps
•Scooter Accessories

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Canes for Seniors - Offset Handle Canes, Folding Canes, & Quad Canes

We have the best canes for seniors and the elderly in various models that include attractive fashionable designs for both men and women! You can choose from standard straight canes with the older style hook curved handles or T-shaped handles (derby handle) for a more comfortable grip. If you would prefer a portable cane that can be tucked away when not needed, you can opt for the convenient folding canes. They include an elastic cord that runs through the middle of the tube so each piece can be pulled apart (but still connected, so you won't lose the pieces) for easy storage and portability. There is also the very popular and helpful offset handle canes for seniors that are designed to distribute the user's weight along the shaft of the cane for added stability. And one of the most stable model canes available is the Quad Cane that includes a larger four corner quad base and offset handle for the greatest amount of stability.
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