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Products for Caregivers of the Elderly

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Entertainment & Recreation
•Classic Movies & TV
•Oldies Music
•Large Print Books
•Jigsaw Puzzles
•Games for Seniors
•Low Vision Cards
•Card Accessories

Technology & Electronics
•Phones for Hearing Loss & Low Vision
•Picture Dial Phones
•Personal Amplifiers
•TV Amplifiers
•TV Remotes

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Recreational Activities for Seniors

Great Gifts for those with Low Vision, Dexterity Issues, Dementia, Alzheimer's, or Parkinson's

Providing mental stimulation for seniors and the elderly is extremely important for health and wellness. Recreational activities such as playing cards, games, reading, doing puzzles, watching old classic movies, and listening to music from their generation are great ways to relieve boredom and stimulate mental health.

Large print playing cards are available for low vision as well as playing card holders and battery operated card shufflers for those with dexterity issues. Pokeno is a favorite group game among seniors that is like bingo, but played with playing cards.

There are also a wide variety of 36-piece jigsaw puzzles with larger pieces available for those with Dementia, Alzheimer's, or problems with dexterity. There are 350-piece puzzles with larger size pieces for low vision or problems using small puzzle pieces. And for family interaction, we have the 400-piece family puzzles that provide various size pieces so that you can enjoy working on a puzzle together.

For quality alone time, we provide large print books for easy reading, classic movies and TV Shows (like Lawrence Welk) are available on DVD and oldies music available on CD and in sets that are sure to bring back good memories and provide a smile.

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